Monday, December 3, 2007

windy winter

The weather here is infecting me with memories. For the first time since I've been here, it's a windy windy 48 degrees. It's so warm compared to most days, sure. But it's the wind that's getting to me. It's the kind of wind you feel when sitting in Boulevard Park on a summer night, as it blows in off Bellingham Bay. It's pretty exciting.

But aside from the exceptional autumn-like weather tonight, it's been feeling a lot like Christmas around here. For some reason, I've been falling into all the traps of a commercialized Christmas. If I had anyone to buy presents for, I probably would. It's that bad. There have been so many holidays lately, going all the way back to Halloween. First 15 November and Thanksgiving, then Unification Day (this past Saturday), which meant more fireworks. Thursday is Saint Nicolas Day. I'm looking forward to that because all of the lights that have been going up around Brasov over the past 2 weeks will finally be lit up. It's like Grand Illumination in CW. Carol singers and the like. And the giant Christmas tree in the square will light up too (although, I was watching it this evening and I'm not so sure that it's going to make it through tonight's wind.

So, although I get upset every day when I wake up and the ground isn't covered in snow, a night like this is one that I can handle. Wind. Lovely.

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